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The "Moses" of our Time? |
While Barack Obama was not the first Black candidate for president of the United States, he was certainly the first to garner the support he needed beyond the demographic guaranteed under conventional expectancy. Obama enjoyed the support of an entire segment of the population too elated to realize that they were mere tools, combined with a media campaign designed by those who aided in the sale of Black integrity.
For the past half century, alleged saviors have presented themselves - through nothing more than self proclamation - to lead Blacks out of "bondage", only to keep them penned in for the harvest of their continued reliance. The promises continue to spew forth, the masses continue to hope, and nothing ever changes. The worst part of it all is, nothing was ever designed to change.
How odd it is, then, that the Tea Party movement, branded by the Liberal elites as a "racist organization", may ultimately prove to be instrumental in the long-awaited freedom for all from the scourge of racism, and the stranglehold the Left has had on the dialogue surrounding that tender subject. Democrats brandish the term like a weapon in order to bludgeon their foes who have a better solution; actual liberty.
Since an overwhelming majority of Blacks are Christian, it is perplexing that they are more politically aligned with the Godless Left. That is certainly not a call to an evangelical type of ideology, but a more practical application of a rather generic mindset of moral behavior. Those of us who believe in God in even the most peripheral sense are more apt to lean right. And while it must be excused for the populace to choose Obama as the first Black president based on simple opportunity and probability, it is now time to admit the mistake.
I have argued that Barack Obama may have "spoiled the soil" for subsequent Black candidates, and that assessment may hold true yet. But there is a potential candidate who may have the ability to overcome that problem, and his name is Herman Cain.
Herman Cain is a very successful businessman who made his way in life from humble beginnings. He forged his own success while shunning the life of too many of his peers who chose to believe the lie that they were being held back by a White majority afraid of the possibility of future competition. They were being held back, alright, but by the very people who claimed to want to help. Liberals were afraid of losing a dependent constituency. Conservatives saw potential for future partners.
With 2012 looming, and Barack Obama already threatening to inflict four more years of him on us, those old fallacies are still waiting as arrows in the Democrats' quivers. If a White candidate runs against him (and that particular field seems pretty anemic at the moment), it will be child's play to let those arrows fly, and our electorate will more than likely lap up those lies like kittens do milk.
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Herman Cain and Americans for Prosperity |
Which leads us to the title of this exercise. Why The Cain Mutiny? That answer is rather simple; if Herman Cain can garner enough traction and actually secure the Republican nomination in 2012, he could conceivably draw Black Americans away from their captors into the fold of those with whom they privately agree but have been conditioned to loath. What if Herman Cain can win the nomination, free the Black portion of our electorate from the shackles they've willingly worn all these years, and set our listing ship of State aright? Wouldn't that heal many old wounds?
As a parting notation to any readers who may harbor ill will towards Blacks for archaic reasons, I beseech you to think. This will happen, despite your hatred. It may not be Herman Cain, but it is inevitable that it will happen. If you love America as much as your myriad tattoos suggest, make that time now. Herman Cains don't come along very often, no matter what color they may be. There is time before the election. I would suggest a suspension of hostilities in favor of a protracted examination of this man. And it would help to have a unified base going in, should Cain win the field. Sphere: Related Content
1 comment:
I'm with you on Cain! I think he's the strongest candidate in the field right now--though Michelle Bachmann is a pretty close second. I'd love to see a Cain-Bachmann ticket.
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