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Here's a guy with a job. He looks delighted, doesn't he? |
By now many of you have already heard that the basis of her premise is that we "can't kill our way out of this war. We need to go after the root causes that leads people to join these groups, whether it's lack of opportunity for jobs...". Now I don't know if that is official Administration policy or not, but judging by Obama's stance on radical Islam, I tend to believe it is.
So ostensibly, Ms. Harf thinks that as long as we get ISIS "good paying" jobs, we won't have to worry about them and, ergo, we won't have to kill them anymore. (Note: rich irony to follow below).
So we have an administration in place that doesn't believe that ISIS or Hamas or al Qaeda are "Islamic", and that the only radicals in town are TEA Party members. We must be wary of radical extremists on the right side of the aisle, and coddle the actual terrorists who cause, um...terror and murder. Probably because the Muslim call to prayer is "the most beautiful sound" Obama has ever heard.
But that's not even the reason that Ms. Harf's words are so disturbing -- and they'd be hysterically funny if not so sad and terrifying. No, this is a statement from a member of the Obama administration that is so inept that jobs under their reign have become so scarce that millions of Americans have given up looking for work altogether. (Hint: this is why the unemployment rate is so low). But those millions of Americans permanently out of work have not joined ISIS. In fact, most haven't killed a soul. What a curious thing.
Poverty does not a terrorist make. Osama bin Laden was a millionaire, and yet our Twin Towers in New York are gone. In 1932 the unemployment rate in Germany was 30%, and by 1938 is was 5%. And Germany was at war with the world. Poor people are not angry, they're just miserable, and even that is not always true. Some are just fine with it as long as they have the Lord. They do not feel the need to remove the heads of innocent people who bear no responsibility for their condition.
So here comes the irony part...we have an Obama administration that hemorrhages more jobs then it can ever create, reason being is that its policies inherently deter job growth. So how in God's name will they defeat ISIS by creating jobs??
No, what America needs now -- and especially before it's too late -- is to kill every last ISIS member willing to die for their cause, and get Americans back to work. I seem to remember from my history books that during World War II, we couldn't put enough people to work.
So here's my solution. Kill terrorists, make the world safe again (this involves all the nations of the world), build prosperity and revive the space program when peace is at hand. WWII and the Apollo projects of the 1960's saw bold new strides in technology that made most of the success of the 1990s possible. We can do it again.
But we can't start until the insanity stops, and that begins by ridding ourselves of the insanity in our government.
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