Friday, April 25, 2014

The Power of Race (and the Diabolical Democrats)

Is this a race card?
After weeks of silence by the major network news outlets, CBS has finally decided to cover the Cliven Bundy ranch standoff with agents from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Oh, they have not covered the successful stand by the Bundy family and hundreds of militia members from across the country. That, CBS had no interest in. But when Bundy spoke up in an interview about race and the role government has played there, suddenly they saw something newsworthy.

A rancher standing up to the Federal Government had no value, and the notion that he was a Conservative was pretty much a given at that point, but the interview bolstered the claim -- at least in the eyes of CBS news -- that Conservatives hate Blacks and always have. They took Bundy's words and held them high for all to see...except they cleverly concealed the context in which he spoke them.

Cliven Bundy may have been clumsy in his delivery, but he was speaking of the damage the Democrat party has done to the "Black community" in their insatiable quest to convince the world of their benevolence. Bundy was basically saying that Blacks have been enslaved all over again by the policies of of Democrats and their insistence on bestowing upon Blacks everything they might need except one: a job.

I must say that I am disappointed in the likes of Rand Paul who -- immediately following Bundy's interview -- abandoned Bundy like he was a leper rather than examining his comments for deeper meaning. So toxic is the subject of race that people flee in terror at its mere mention. I am not one of them.

All one needs to do is look at urban area like Detroit to see the devastation wrought by Democrats, and you will understand Bundy's meaning. It should not be ignored nor shied away from, but rather should be examined and fixed. More conversation is needed about this subject, not less, and Republicans need to embrace the discussion as we have much more to offer towards a healing.

It is infuriating that after the history of the Democrat party and their mistreatment of Blacks, they still enjoy ninety percent of the Black vote year after year. There is no doubt that Democrats have honed a very clever approach to the Black community and concealed their true feelings for them, but there is no excuse for people to believe Democrats when so much history is there for all to see.

From Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation to the Civil rights Act of 1964, Republicans had to defeat Democrats to accomplish these things. The alleged hero of the Civil Rights Act -- Linden B. Johnson, who signed it into law -- voted repeatedly against anti-lynching laws while in Congress. Democrats formed the infamous Ku Klux Klan in the south, and now they are seen as the tolerant and benevolent party, while Republicans and Conservatives are constantly accused of Black hatred and racism.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews once quipped that Texas governor Rick Perry was "Bull Connor with a smile". Ha, that is so funny, except...Bull Connor was a member of the Democrat National Committee. While it should be embarrassing to Democrats that Bull Connor was famous for turning dogs and water cannons loose on civil rights protesters in Birmingham, Alabama, they have the audacity to compare Republicans and Conservatives to him; and they get away with it!

What's worse than anything, however, is that Republicans take the unfair accusations lying down, much like they are running from Cliven Bundy as fast as they can today. Republicans wring their hands over an alleged need for more "minority outreach" and then get attacked by Democrats (and the media) for daring to try. That must stop.

What Republicans need to do is simply show Blacks the history, but it is important that do not rely on the mainstream media to do it, because they simply won't. As for Cliven Bundy, I stand by him still today, because his basic premise was correct. Perhaps not about Blacks being better off as slaves, but certainly that they are just as enslaved today as they were in the 19th century. And the cunning Democrats intend to keep them that way by claiming to care about them.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

When We Became the Enemy

Perhaps it began as far back as the 1960's, when the Left began their charge up the proverbial hill. I remember those tumultuous days like they were yesterday, but I never thought that they would have such a profound impact on my country, and I certainly never envisioned being called a terrorist here at home, in America, by my own "leaders".

The Cliven Bundy "cattle battle" seems to be the pinnacle of the animosity foisted upon us from government, but it is not the only indicator. There have been many in the few years of the Obama presidency, and plenty of warning signs that went unheeded, and we were deceived and disappointed by the media, who have mostly been infiltrated by the same ideologues now running the show. Patriots, oath keepers and virtually anyone who believes in the Founding Fathers of America and their wisdom is now seen as an enemy of the State.

Think about this for a second. The Senate Majority Leader of the U.S. Congress calls the militias who stand with Cliven Bundy -- and the Bundy's themselves -- "domestic violent terrorist wannabes". And yet, when the Occupy Wall Street movement was the latest rage, Harry Reid had this to say in 2011:

"In recent days, Republicans showed new interest in the gulf between rich and poor that has motivated thousands to occupy parks across the country and make their voices heard. Apparently they believe the staggering income inequality makes a good talking point". 
 Reid makes no mention of the fact that the Occupy Wall Street protesters left behind huge messes that the taxpayer paid to clean up. Compare that to the TEA Party protesters who left their brief rally grounds in pristine condition.

And what of Major Nidal Hasan, whom the government refused to call a terrorist, and called the Fort Hood massacre "workplace violence", unable to utter the word "terrorist" in their description of those awful events? Why can they send 200 heavily armed government agents to round up some peacefully grazing cattle, but they can't stop violent drug cartel members from crossing our border with Mexico? No, they post signs near the dangerous border towns warning taxpaying Americans to stay out because of the danger.

What the Cliven Bundy incident has shown us, however, is that Obama's threat of an armed civilian army in the 2008 campaign for president was not an idle one...he meant it. And he has backed up his words with all the massive ammunition purchases by even seemingly innocuous agencies like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Social Security Administration.

And now here we are, folks. The people who profess our love for America and her gracious liberties are now considered the enemies of America, domestic, violent terrorist wannabes, and we have a gargantuan government ready to beat us down. I'm older, and I feel secure in my own future, but I worry for the futures of my children and grandchildren. What will their futures be like long after I'm gone? Will they be forced to succumb to a perpetual Obama regime or flee to avoid it? Or will they stop this madness and return our glorious land to that which it once was?

I pray. I pray that America is not on her deathbed.

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Friday, April 11, 2014

This Ain't No Ruby Ridge

Credit Las Vegas Review Journal
To the left, Cliven Bundy walks past a federal "first amendment area" sign, posted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) office...on a public highway, and my first thought was, "When did the United States federal government obtain the authority to tell its citizens where to speak, or not to speak"? And it dawned on me that our own apathetic history has led us to this. We have invested our faith in the Founding Fathers perhaps longer than they had intended, and we are only now reaping the harvest of what we have wrought through our inattentiveness.

Shame on us all.

Perhaps it was our earlier, misguided patriotism that allowed the killing of Randy Weaver's wife  Vicki Weaver -- and their son Sammy -- to pass unchallenged. Personally, I remember thinking back then that the Weaver's probably deserved what they got due to their defiance of government. Perhaps it was my own disengagement as a young man, or the reporting of the media cheering on the government, but in retrospect -- and in light of recent events in Nevada and a more thorough examination of the facts in Ruby Ridge --  I have realized that America is not the country I loved as a lad.

The plight of Cliven Bundy and his clan bears no resemblance to Ruby Ridge save for the struggle of private citizens battling the behemoth of America's new royal class. What is different today is the fact that the Bundy's are not alone in a bubble, relying solely on the alleged integrity of the mainstream media to report whatever truth they deem appropriate. We all get to see what is happening in Clark County, Nevada, in darn near real time, and it is not pretty at all, and it is no longer filtered into our nightly news or morning newspapers. We can no longer be lied to, and we have a wide network to spread the word.

So who is Cliven Bundy, and what is the problem wreaking all this havoc along Highway 170 in Clark County? The Bundy family has raised cattle on a ranch in this area since a decade after the Civil War. Lincoln's assassination was still fresh in the memories of the American people back then, for a bit of perspective.

I'm reminded of a Little House on the Prairie episode in which the plots characters engaged in a bit of political dalliance; one character in the show, after a meeting of the townsfolk, mused that one day the government might actually tax their earnings! Poppycock, said another. Yeah...and here we are. But I a degree, that is.

When the Bundy family began raising cattle on their ranch, the taxing authority of  the federal government was still in its infancy, and states still had sovereignty. Imagine that! But somewhere along the line, the bloated and ever increasingly ravenous creatures of Washington, D.C. have determined that Cliven Bundy's family -- and more precisely, his cattle -- have been trespassing on federal land, and he is behind on his "grazing fees".

The irony in all of this is that the fees are designed to protect the endangered "desert tortoise", who purportedly struggle to survive after they rouse from their winters sleep. No one has yet offered an explanation as to how grazing fees will protect these turtles, but the point is moot anyway. Tortoise's will find food wherever it is, or they will die. Sorry if that sounds cold-hearted, but it is nonetheless the basic law of nature. Who protected these turtles from the buffalo in the old days? Did the Shoshone have a tribal council that banned buffalo from eating too much grass?

For the past two decades, Cliven Bundy and his family have fought the BLM, as well as other federal groups, in court, only to be thwarted by the federal court system, and now face what is shaping up to be another fiasco and potentially deadly conclusion. What makes this different from Ruby Ridge -- and the Waco Branch Davidian episode, for that matter -- is the internet. We have eyes and ears all over Clark County today, and we have citizen journalists giving us real time information.

As a result, militias from all over America are gravitating to the Bundy ranch in support of the family, possibly creating a more volatile situation than would ordinarily be expected. I do not lament this point, but rather am heartened by it. It's entirely possible that the casual observer may see some brief news coverage on this developing incident and think as I once did: that the Bundy family must be crazed criminals deserving of a lesson by the government.

If we band together, much like the people moving toward the Bundy ranch today, perhaps we can educate the masses before tragedy strikes in Nevada. And more importantly, make these newly aware people see that they have been duped along with the rest of the country.

For more information on this saga, see the following links:

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