The Cliven Bundy "cattle battle" seems to be the pinnacle of the animosity foisted upon us from government, but it is not the only indicator. There have been many in the few years of the Obama presidency, and plenty of warning signs that went unheeded, and we were deceived and disappointed by the media, who have mostly been infiltrated by the same ideologues now running the show. Patriots, oath keepers and virtually anyone who believes in the Founding Fathers of America and their wisdom is now seen as an enemy of the State.
Think about this for a second. The Senate Majority Leader of the U.S. Congress calls the militias who stand with Cliven Bundy -- and the Bundy's themselves -- "domestic violent terrorist wannabes". And yet, when the Occupy Wall Street movement was the latest rage, Harry Reid had this to say in 2011:
"In recent days, Republicans showed new interest in the gulf between rich and poor that has motivated thousands to occupy parks across the country and make their voices heard. Apparently they believe the staggering income inequality makes a good talking point".Reid makes no mention of the fact that the Occupy Wall Street protesters left behind huge messes that the taxpayer paid to clean up. Compare that to the TEA Party protesters who left their brief rally grounds in pristine condition.
And what of Major Nidal Hasan, whom the government refused to call a terrorist, and called the Fort Hood massacre "workplace violence", unable to utter the word "terrorist" in their description of those awful events? Why can they send 200 heavily armed government agents to round up some peacefully grazing cattle, but they can't stop violent drug cartel members from crossing our border with Mexico? No, they post signs near the dangerous border towns warning taxpaying Americans to stay out because of the danger.
What the Cliven Bundy incident has shown us, however, is that Obama's threat of an armed civilian army in the 2008 campaign for president was not an idle one...he meant it. And he has backed up his words with all the massive ammunition purchases by even seemingly innocuous agencies like the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Social Security Administration.
And now here we are, folks. The people who profess our love for America and her gracious liberties are now considered the enemies of America, domestic, violent terrorist wannabes, and we have a gargantuan government ready to beat us down. I'm older, and I feel secure in my own future, but I worry for the futures of my children and grandchildren. What will their futures be like long after I'm gone? Will they be forced to succumb to a perpetual Obama regime or flee to avoid it? Or will they stop this madness and return our glorious land to that which it once was?
I pray. I pray that America is not on her deathbed. Sphere: Related Content
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