Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Secret Key the Progressives Never Intended for Us to Find

The picture of dogged tenacity.
Americans have long suffered an affliction in the 20th and 21st centuries, one which has claimed me as a victim as well. Politics has outrun us, folks, and to be honest, we are not to blame, at least not in the classic sense. Yes, we have allowed ourselves to become complacent to the point of laziness, but who among us could resist a warm bed on a Saturday morning in winter? 

America, for all of our growing pains, has been like a warm blanket covering our shivering shoulders, and we have welcomed such an embrace. Between brutal wars -- notably after which we returned home to live in peace following our decisive victories  -- we built this country and our lives to be as comfortable as we could, and we did a smashing job while leaving the defeated to do the same. We had earned that much, after all. But along the way, our politicians have been busier than we, albeit not in the same pursuits, and we lost sight of what was happening in America. Ultimately, that's on us. 

Now we find ourselves the alleged minority of political philosophies, the outcasts of the Obama Regime, and we are stunned. When patriots like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, et al, are attacked by the new political establishment, we find our only true allies being cast as heretics, and our own beliefs disparaged as anomalies of mainstream thought. I know a few WWII vets who would crawl out of their graves and die all over again at such a revelation, such a strain it would put on their hearts. 

The affliction I mention is one of the belief that someone with no prior experience could ever get elected to the Presidency. The history and the statistical data point to such a thing as being quite a rarity. But even with that knowledge, one must still ask incredulously; how in the world did Barack Hussein Obama serve briefly as an Illinois state senator, even more briefly as a U.S. Senator, and still win the White House?  

Well, to be fair, John McCain ran a miserable campaign in 2008, basically taking a dive while smiling and proclaiming to care about winning. And he was thrust upon us by a media who has long since given up the ghost of objectivity. Then Mitt Romney ran a much better campaign in 2012, and the jury is still out on how Barrack Hussein Obama won nearly 100 percent of certain precincts in areas of Pennsylvania and Ohio, besting even Saddam Hussein (there's that name again) in Iraq, a country not well known for electoral integrity. 

And let's not forget Obama's carefully orchestrated "soaring rhetoric", when he said all the things people wanted to hear. We heard such things in 1980, when Ronald Reagan set the groundwork for that sort of speech, generating an excitement in the people we had briefly forgotten. The difference is, Reagan followed up on his own rhetoric with actions, and the country quickly turned aside from the Carter years. I remember that sense of new found pride like it was yesterday. 

And I now remember the words Obama spoke, as do many of those who voted for him. I have recently lamented how Obama might have conceivably ruined the chances of future black candidates for the same job, and I now ponder that he may have ruined promising rhetoric for generations of Americans. But we have seen signs that there are still men and women who talk the talk and walk the walk. 

People like Ted Cruz and Ben Carson come quickly to mind, and I have no doubts that either man means what he says. Ans Ben Carson has also laid to rest -- at least in my mind -- that a black man still does indeed have a chance despite the damage Obama has done. I was once of the mind that no matter how much I loved a candidate, their lack of related credentials would be a killer, and running them in a race would be political suicide. I no longer feel that way. 

Not only have the progressives shown us that a puerile rookie can run the country, but they have also shown us that virtually anything is possible in politics. If more people in this country could learn to brush aside protocols in presidential elections, think of the candidates from which we could choose. I felt that Herman Cain had a great chance in 2012 but had the same reservations I now lament regarding his chances of actually getting elected. I have abandoned such feelings now after seeing the carnage left in the wake of the current occupant of the Oval Office. Combined with the treatment we and our people have received at the hands of the Old Guard Republicans, I am ready to take a new direction. 

Do not be afraid to do the same in 2014 and especially 2016. 

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