Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ode to Obama

A Nail-Biter for the CiC

'Twas the night that Osama
at last got his wish
(to go and meet Allah,
not swim with the fish.)

The White House had followed
the carefully laid plans
and extended the ways
of the previous man.

The Seal Team now poised
to accept further orders
after earlier travelling
over unfriendly borders

The Bin Laden's were snuggled
all warm in their beds
(somehow oblivious
to the sounds overhead).

The President gathered
by the giant TV
with some friends he'd assembled
so that they, too, could see

The Commander in Chief
lip now beaded with sweat
leaned forward too fast
nearly breaking the set

As the soldiers he'd sent
now slid quick down the ropes
Obama was suddenly
swelling with Hope

The mission was done
with what seemed to be ease
and no doubt that Obama
was actually pleased

In a plan that was started
by President Bush
It was Barry Obama
who kept up the push

For that much we know
that we have to be grateful
but eventually we knew
that the outcome was fateful

For while it was shocking
Bush's plans weren't shelved
It's becoming apparent
that it's all about '12

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