Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Social Justice is a Misnomer

It is a common tactic of the Left; manipulate language - and in so doing, the minds of the people - in an effort to promulgate a false notion. "Social justice" is but one example, for how could anyone be opposed to anything linked to justice? It is a condition we all seek as civilized humans and to stand in its way risks vilification from the champions of such. Further, those who trumpet the tenets of social justice place themselves in the position of exemplars, immune from criticism and defended without reason.

Ironically, it is usually people of power and influence - already wealthy beyond the imaginations of the common - who campaign hardest for social justice, and who are seen as heroic. Virtually unnoticed, however, is the fact that these crusaders have usually insulated themselves from the struggle, securing their fortunes from the rules they seek to impose on the masses. Even more ironic is that those who profess their love most loudly for the unfortunate are the very people who have amassed their empires at the expense of the people who enriched them.

Entertainers and politicians thrive on the dollars of the working class, a term I am loathe to use, but one which nevertheless is appropriate. I am among the working class, one who lives day-to-day on a salary, and one who wishes for more. But rather than demand that I receive the fruits of another's labors, I instead strive to achieve more through my own. Some would categorize that thought process as archaic. I prefer the term "American".

Our Founders set out to make this nation one comprised of the self-sufficient, pilgrims who staked their own claim to a dream without bounds; a place where a man could make of himself whatever he dreamed and subsequently worked for, no matter the pitfalls. Nowhere in our history was there a guarantee of success, but rather a guarantee of the freedom of the quest. It was the formula for success, as America has proven to be the most prosperous nation in the shortest time span Man has ever known.

What has changed in the span of a few centuries that would cause the derision of such a successful system? As past philosophers have pointed out through time, that change can be summarized as the thirst for power and control, something that has historically proven too tempting for Man to resist.

Mankind is inherently insatiable, a characteristic that can be both good and bad. On the one hand, it is the force that compels us to improve and to advance. Without it, we would still be living in caves and clubbing our neighbors for possessions. The downside, however, is that we behave that way, even if only figuratively, even in the relative Utopia in which we live.

Morality has played a large role in how we navigate the terrain of progress, setting up and abiding by certain rules of conduct in our journeys to success. There is no doubt that the "game" can be rough at times, but many of us recognize the boundaries of misconduct and merely test the limits without crossing the line wantonly. The main difference, though, has been that our "game" has been self-governing, much like a child's pick-up baseball game.

Now, however, we have our Federal Government - which was originally intended by our Founders as a severely limited body - not only carving rules in stone, but etching rules which they were never authorized to compose, much less enforce. Unfortunately, there are multitudes of "beneficiaries" who have long abandoned caring about the abuses of government so long as they can be cared for and released from personal responsibility. And far worse is the fact that government is comprised of Man, an entity not immune to the fragrance of power.

What we're left with is a strange triangular relationship, in which wealthy and powerful Men decide who "has enough" and who is "needy", a potentially unstable and incendiary mixture that could blow a huge hole in the fabric of society. The most frightening aspect of this concoction is that nearly half of Americans have been indoctrinated into the belief that Government will "set them free", which it may just do, albeit in the falsest of terms.

Freedom in its truest sense means "without tether", a notion completely alien to even the most direct descendants of the great men who forged this nation. That is a sad commentary on where we now stand. While it may be true that civilized Man seeks comfort, a civilized and free man must never seek domination in its stead. Such a thing would be tantamount to "coming full circle". To flee tyranny - and die to stave it off - only to squander the sacrifices made on our behalf seems a travesty of Biblical proportion.

Since the federal government lacks the resources to make everyone equally wealthy, the only alternative - and one which is well within the means of the federal government - is to stifle economic prosperity for those with the desire to achieve such in favor of a lower bar that will ensure the "equality and justice" they seek. This, however, does nothing for the betterment of the individual, but is a boon for the power concentration the left seeks. Interestingly, they have no shame in exploiting the downtrodden in their quest for dominance, and strive for the same under the guise of social justice.

"Social justice" is a tool of the Marxist, who sees success as exploitation rather than opportunity. For as much as the Capitalist entrepreneur enriches himself, his is also the melting stream that nourishes the valley below. Without him, there are no jobs, there are no wages, and there is no prosperity.

Consider the Leftist regime in place right now as the entity that would have us sniffing plastic flowers in eco-friendly planting pots. They may look pretty, but they're not real. Neither is the Utopia they plan for us.

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