Thursday, October 28, 2010

Michel Faulkner Gets It

Michel Faulkner for Congress
In 2008, I wrote an article titled Champions of the Poor in which I spelled out the cruelty of the Liberal doctrine of deliberately keeping people hungry and dependent in order to remain as their perceived saviors. Charles Rangel has been the 15th Congressional District of New York's congressman for forty years, and he has mastered the technique, which is precisely why he has been re-elected to twenty consecutive terms in office.

Michel Faulkner, 53, is a pastor in the Bronx, NY. It is the heart of the 15th district in which he hopes to unseat Rangel, running on the Republican ticket, and one of the most Liberal bastions of the entire New York metropolitan region. His odds are slim, which is a crying shame.

Despite his name recognition and tenure, Charles Rangel should have been an easy target for Faulkner, yet the latter chose not to exploit the formers vulnerability. That weakness is Rangel's pending House investigation into a variety of misdeeds from tax evasion to improper use of campaign finances. Perhaps the most egregious offense is the fact that Rangel owns four rent-controlled apartments in a city plagued by homelessness. Yet his constituents overlook these transgressions decade after decade.

For a look at Michel Faulkner's background, one can find his bio at his campaign website. For a brief excerpt:

Although he suffered a major injury during collegiate competition, Michel tried out and eventually signed with the National Football League, playing a season with the New York Jets in 1981.
While with the Jets, he lived in the Bronx with a family whose head was a Pastor of a house church and ran a drug rehab center. Led in part by the Pastor’s example, in 1983, Michel returned to Virginia Tech and prepared for his future calling by graduating with a master’s degree in education and career counseling.
 Upon completion of his master’s degree in 1985, Michel was recruited to Liberty University to become assistant dean of students where he was promoted to Vice President for Urban Ministry in 1987. Here Michel trained, equipped and sent out more than 100 urban missionaries.

Today in the New York area, Michel was a guest of John Gambling on WOR Radio 710AM. He spoke exactly of what I wrote two years ago. He proclaimed that Blacks do not need to be coddled and helped, that they are more than self sufficient, and that government should just get out of the way and allow them to succeed. As part of his ministry, that is the message he has been bringing to his flock, and something that shakes the so-called "Black leadership" to its foundation.

If there was ever a better time for the likes of Charles Rangel to be ousted, this is it. Please pray for Michel. And while you're at it, please pray for our Black brethren to finally be freed from the last shackles of slavery; the velvet chains of false benevolence.

Links to follow:
Michel Faulkner for Congress
Champions of the Poor

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