Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another Blow To The Apocalypse

I suppose the pessimists among the global warming worshipers would point to the slow erosion of the planet's "beautiful deserts" as yet another sign of man's parasitic and destructive tendencies, but that would be expected. Just supposing for a moment that we are contributors to the climate's state, that same crowd of believers would shudder at the prospect of the fictional "Genesis Project" from the Star Trek movies.

Not long ago, the anthropogenic global warming believers and activists - including those renowned IPCC scientists - were telling us that global warming would cause an expansion of the world's deserts, but recent satellite pictures of North Africa appear to show a receding of the Sahara Desert. The cause? Warming oceans evaporating at a faster rate, resulting in more rain. As Popeye would say, "Well blow me down"!

The entire debate is not whether warming is occurring, but rather what or who is responsible for it. CO2 has become the compound we love to hate, the veritable J.R. Ewing of science, but all we have seen of its existence is beneficial. Likewise, as it has been cast as the villain in this play, it has been demonstrated by historical data that warming precedes increases in CO2 levels. (I almost get tired of pointing out that salient fact).

While the "Green Movement" has proven to be somewhat melodramatic in its machinations, it can be said that they are not completely without merit. Yes, man was consuming global forestry at an alarming pace and yes, it was the same movement that persuaded the loggers to reseed what they had harvested. Any successful farmer would understand that simple concept. Some argued that replenishment was insufficient because of the time required for new saplings to replace the crop, but now that we have elevated levels of CO2, it only stands to reason that the new crops flourish much more quickly. We raise plants in greenhouses for a very good reason.

If the increase in warming proceeds - for whatever reason - toward levels not seen in centuries, and as the foliage invades the sand, man will adapt to the remote possibility of rising sea levels by moving into the newly habitable desert regions. However, as the oceans evaporate and the rains continue to create an ever expanding habitat for man, moving away from the current shores may be an unnecessary notion altogether.

It may be hard to argue that Mother Nature can be cruel at times, but perhaps she does know how to prepare for more children.

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