Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Matter of Priorities

Don't try telling President Obama that "it's the economy, stupid." It is, after all, his top priority. Just ask him. Then mention the Mexican border problems, and you'll be relieved to know that he's on it. It is yet another of his top priorities. Oh, so you're concerned about the BP oil spill and its effects on the environment? Fear not, that is also - c'mon, say it with me - one of Obama's top priorities.

Perhaps the man is not quite as brilliant as he's been portrayed by an adoring media, particularly in light of the fact that he appears ignorant of what "top priority" means. One may have a list of priorities, usually listed in descending order based on urgency, but even a fifth grader knows that only one can be at the top of the list. I wonder if Jeff Foxworthy has rung up the White House yet?

Mark Knoller of CBS NEWS has put together a handy list of Obama's top priorities:

FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS: "...that's something that's going to be a top priority." (4/27/10)

ENERGY SECURITY: "And that's why my energy security plan has been one of the top priorities of my Administration since the day I took office." (4/28/10)

EDUCATION REFORM: "To train our workers for the jobs of tomorrow, we've made education reform a top priority in this Administration." (2/24/10)

STUDENT LOAN REFORM: "This is something that I've made a top priority." (2/1/10)

EXPORTS BY SMALL BUSINESSES: "This is going to be a top priority." (12/3/09)

HEALTH ASSISTANCE TO 9/11 FIRST RESPONDERS: "I'm not just talking the talk, we've been budgeting this as a top priority for this Administration." (2/3/10)

END HOMELESSNESS AMONG VETERANS: "I've also directed (Veterans Affairs) Secretary Shinseki to focus on a top priority: reducing homeless among veterans." (8/17/09)

HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS: "Our top priority is ensuring the public safety. That means appropriate sheltering in place or if necessary, getting as many people as possible out of harm's way prior to landfall." (5/29/09)

H1N1 FLU VACCINATIONS: "And throughout this process, my top priority has been the health and the safety of the American people." (5/1/09)

SUPPORT FOR MILITARY FAMILIES: "These military families are heroes too. And they are a top priority of Michelle and me. And they will always have our support." (5/30/09)

STRENGTHENING TIES WITH CANADA AND MEXICO: "We're going to make this a top priority..." (10/16/09)

CONSUMER PROTECTION: "During these challenging times, the needs of American consumers are a top priority of my Administration." (2/11/09)

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: "So this is going to be a top priority generally improving our environmental quality." (11/5/09)

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1 comment:

Shorhon said...

I agree with the author. A man can only take on so many responsibilities. During his campaign, Obama promised countless reforms and changes to please his constituents but those were empty promises. True, Obama has made some admirable attempts at reform but he failed to meet all the great expectations he raised. By attempting to reform everything, he essentially dilutes his power and reduces his chance of accomplishing anything.