Monday, March 9, 2009

Styrofoam Fortress: The Cloward-Piven Strategy

As a kid growing up in the late fifties and early sixties, one of the coolest toys ever to receive on Christmas morning was the the Flintstones Building Boulders. Kids could make the fort of their dreams based solely on their imaginative ability combined with the available inventory contained in the box. Mothers were thrilled at the prospect of we kids entertaining ourselves for hours with the lightweight pieces. Until, that is, we realized our primal nature and began conducting tribally competitive raids on one another's structures. They were not nearly as durable as they appeared and the resulting styrofoam pellet residue proved to be more than the average canister vacuum of the era could handle.

There were two men who used such an innocently faulty toy manufacturing campaign toward their ultimate goal, which was the destruction of the very nation that afforded them the education and the very freedom to pursue that goal. Those men were also "respected" professors in education at Columbia University.

In 1966, Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven developed The Cloward-Piven Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis, in which the demise of American capitalism would finally be accomplished. To be certain, I do not lay the blame on the Flintstone Building Boulders, but rather rely on their existence as evidential example, for it is in the very nature of their deceiving appearance and actual weakness that I believe the premise of Cloward-Piven was borne.

Since it has been a long established fact that the United States is much too formidable to attack from without, through force of any military, folks such as Cloward and Piven have made it their business to devise methods to cause her demise through less overt means. Those means to the end have been studied at length by subsequent radicals, many of whom have been the acquaintances of the current president.

I often fret over the possibility that my posts may be viewed as alarmist rhetoric, but the longer I live, the more I fear that I may not have done enough to warn my fellow citizens of the perils that are right outside the gates. Further, as I watch the gates' wood strain inward with the weight of impending doom, I grow less concerned with the perception of my own grasp of reality, because I firmly believe that time has come for bold action. I borrow the mantra of the current administration, I know, but what better method of delivering such an important message?

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