Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Hypocrisy Of Schools Zero Tolerance Policies

Public school educators are presumably well educated people yet, when it comes to common sense, there is little evidence of the brilliance they are alleged to possess. Rather than swiftly and decisively punishing kids who are truly problematic when caught breaking the rules, schools have become bastions of blanket prohibition on activities that were once considered innocuous.

Last month, a mother in Fairfax County, VA received an urgent call from her daughter's high school informing her that her daughter was seen "popping a pill". As it turned out, it was the girl's birth control pill, prescribed by her doctor, but since the school has a zero tolerance policy regarding virtually any form of drug, the girl was suspended for two weeks.

Among other ridiculous restrictions in county schools; students are permitted to carry cough drops on campus but are prohibited from sharing them. In Maryland, a 2006 state law was needed to overturn a requirement that students needed a doctor's note to use sunscreen at school. And the Supreme Court is currently considering the case of a 13-year-old Arizona student who was actually strip-searched by an administrator for suspicion of carrying ibuprofen.

When it comes to the laws of the nation, however, schools look the other way. Our public school system is clogged with the children of illegal aliens. Why is there no zero tolerance policy for that transgression? According to the Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform:

The total K-12 school expenditure for illegal immigrants costs the states $7.4 billion annually—enough to buy a computer for every junior high student nationwide.
Proponents of schooling illegal children use the argument that refusing them an education will only increase crime levels by turning out uneducated illegal adults. That is almost as bad as the theory of not pursuing criminals because the chase might get someone injured.

It is time to start sending illegal aliens packing. The argument is that it's impossible to round them all up and deport them, which is true to a degree. We can't get them all in one raid, but the workplace raids that were so successful last year are evident by the loud protestations from illegal advocates. In any instance where someone is discovered to be here in violation of United States Immigration Laws, that person and his family should be detained and deported.

You don't pull all the weeds in your garden at once. Sometimes it takes all day.

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