Friday, October 9, 2009

Not Being George

The look on George W. Bush's face sums up pretty well how I and more than half of America feel at this early stage of the Obama presidency. The tears represent a deep sorrow over the steady erosion of our freedom - something that Bush ironically was accused of attacking - through the increasing lurch toward "sin" taxes for "our own good" and the battle currently raging over who will ultimately oversee and administer our health care. The tiny flag symbolizes the diminution of the great nation of The United States at the hands of the very people who were elected to preserve her proud heritage.

Of course, these are my own interpretations of a photo that was taken long before Barack Obama was even a gleam in the public eye. I'm sure that the photographer was completely unaware of how prescient his work would prove to be, for as we learned today, the man leading the push toward America's mediocrity has been rewarded by those who wish us all to be equal.

It now appears that anyone interested in tearing America down from the inside until we resemble the rest of the countries of the world is worthy of the now-worthless Nobel Peace Prize. Those who validate the premise that America and her citizens are no better than anyone else are applauded for their attempts to level the playing field of the world stage, artificially raising Third World nations to statuses they have no business attaining until they decide to join the current century. Forgive my sense of conceit, but when the entire world looks to us for rescue and sustenance, I feel that we have earned special standing.

Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize after only nine months in office, with virtually no distinguishable accomplishments to justify such an honor. Further, the deadline to be nominated for consideration was a mere twelve days after he was sworn in as president. There can be no explanation for this travesty other than the fact of Barack Obama's not being George W. Bush, combined with his incessant denigration on the world stage of this country and her great people. These are the things that citizens of other countries love to hear.

After running all over Europe and the Middle East on a seemingly non-stop Forgive Us Our Trespasses tour, Oslo no doubt decided that Obama's obsequious contriteness had struck the tone so long desired by those who either hate us or simply envy us. Finally, one of "them" was running America.

Jimmy Carter - who succeeded only in getting Anwar Sadat killed in the seventies - was finally awarded his Nobel Prize in 2002 for his "untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development." I thought that the prize was for actual accomplishments, but it appears "efforts" are more than adequate these days. In the case of Barack Obama, it seems that "good intentions" are now sufficient, as they were with Al Gore's award.

Al Gore was given the award for his constant harping on the evils of man - particularly American "man" - and their wanton destruction of the planet. Never mind that his views are being exposed right this minute as pure poppycock; Oslo liked his condemnation of America.

So it is small wonder that true patriots of America have been expressing their collective consternation with the current state of their nation. There is even less to question concerning their disdain for Obama's trivial award. If there was ever any doubt that Oslo hated George W. Bush, this should put to rest such doubts. And I make a motion that the committee replace the medallion with a certificate-style award, one that can be easily mounted on a spindle and perforated, just like Charmin.

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